Does My Child Have a Food Allergy?

What is a food allergy?

According to the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a food allergy is “an adverse health effect arising from a specific immune response that occurs reproducibly on exposure to a given food.”

Essentially, a food allergy reaction happens when your immune system gets confused while trying to defend your body, and mistakes good guys (certain foods) as bad guys (like a virus or bacteria). Your body reacts to the food and causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction, which may include hives, swelling or difficulty breathing. Exposure to even a tiny amount of the food can cause an allergic reaction.

Which foods can cause an allergic reaction?

Technically, any food can cause an allergic reaction. There have been reported food allergy reactions in more than 170 different foods. But, there are some foods that are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than others.

The top 9 foods to cause allergic reactions in the US are:

  • milk & dairy

  • egg

  • wheat

  • soy

  • fish

  • shellfish

  • peanuts

  • tree nuts

  • sesame

Food allergy symptoms

Symptoms of a food allergy can happen quickly (within minutes), or more slowly (a few hours later). Symptoms vary, but may include any of the following:

  • nausea

  • vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • stomach pain

  • hives

  • eczema

  • swelling in the lips, tongue, face

  • itchiness around the mouth

  • coughing, sneezing, or wheezing

  • congestion or runny nose

  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Many times, young children can’t fully or accurately describe how they are feeling. Instead, they may use some phrases like:

  • “My mouth feels funny”

  • “My mouth/throat/tongue feels itchy”

  • “There is something stuck in my throat”

  • “Something doesn’t feel right”

When you need emergency help

Although rare, some children may experience an extreme form of food allergy reaction called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and you should call 911 immediately to receive emergency help. Signs of anaphylaxis may include:

  • trouble swallowing

  • chest tightness

  • difficulty breathing

  • shortness of breath, wheezing

  • turning blue

  • weak pulse

  • fainting, unconsciousness

  • confusion

  • swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat

  • pale or red color to the face and body

What to do if your child has a food allergy

If you think your child is experiencing anaphylaxis, call 911 immediately to receive emergency help. If you think your child has a food allergy (see symptoms above), call your pediatrician, who can help determine if it is a true food allergy. Your pediatrician may refer you to a board certified allergist, a doctor that specializes in allergies. The pediatrician and/or allergist will determine if your child has a food allergy by looking at:

  • family history of allergies

  • your child’s history or allergies or other conditions like eczema

  • your child’s history with the suspected food and reactions that you have noticed

  • the doctor may recommend additional testing, like a Skin Prick Test or blood test, which help them make a diagnosis.

When to see a dietitian?

If your child has one or more food allergies, especially an allergy to a food that is a major part of their diet (like milk, eggs, or wheat), seeing a dietitian can make all the difference. Children with multiple food allergies are at higher risk of impaired growth and nutrient deficits. When you have to eliminate many different foods or major foods from the diet, it can be challenging to find meals that meet all your child’s needs. Plus, it can be hard to find new and interesting meals, so kids (and parents) may get bored of eating the same meals over and over again. Kids with food allergies may be more nervous about trying new foods, which is totally understandable. Helping your child find a wide variety of nutritious and safe foods will give them the nutrients they need to grow, and will give them the confidence to learn how to choose what to eat as they get older.

Registered Dietitians are nutrition experts, and can help your family manage your child’s food allergies so they can enjoy healthy, delicious meals that help them grow and thrive.

Does your child have a food allergy? Share your experience in the comments.


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