Is your kid stuck in a rut when it comes to food?

Do they whine & argue every time you serve a new food?

Does their lunchbox come home completely untouched?

This online course will give you the mindset, tools, and strategies to help your kids feel ready to explore new foods, and make it less stressful to feed your family.

You’ll feel confident in how to help your picky kid feel brave around new foods. They may not love every new food you offer, but they’ll be able to start coming out of their shell and feel more curious and adventurous around foods.

You’ll also feel better prepared to help your kids get all the nutrition their growing bodies need. There is no one food that is essential for good health, and by focusing on variety, you can help your kids get great nutrition and nourish their bodies well.

Best of all, you’ll get an end to the drama and stress of mealtimes. You’ll finally get to have family meals where there is no tension or arguing about what everyone’s eating. Mealtimes can be about enjoying everyone’s company, having fun, and sharing food together.


In-Depth Lessons

This course includes more than 2 hours of video content broken down into 11 bite-sized lessons so you can watch as much or as little as you want at a time.

Lifetime Access

Because life happens. When you register for this course, you’ll have lifetime access to the video content and workbook, so you can take your time to watch the lessons, share lessons with your family, and even re-watch lessons later on.

Companion Workbook

Download the workbook which includes a summary of tips and strategies for your family, the activity worksheets covered in the video lessons, and 10+ additional activities you can try at home with your kids.

Course Content

  • Meet your host Stephanie and learn about navigating the course, what to expect, and where to get support if you need it.

  • In these lessons, you’ll learn why so many kids are picky eaters, why it feels so hard to be a parent to a picky eater, and how changing our mindset around picky eating can help our kids try new foods.

    We’ll also talk about how to get out of that endless “worry cycle” that we as parents so often get stuck in and makes us stressed and frustrated at meals.

  • These lessons teach you 5 research-based strategies to help your kids feel ready to try new foods.

    We’ll go through each of the strategies, the science behind why it’s helpful, and how you can get started trying them at home.

    We also talk about how to use these strategies at home while still respecting your instincts and intuition as a parent, because it’s never one-size-fits-all. You can feel confident in trying new approaches in a way that feels right for you and your family.

  • You may be finding yourself wanting some extra support or resources to continue learning. In these lessons, we’ll talk about when it would be recommended to get additional support from a health professional (like a pediatrician, dietitian, mental health therapist, speech therapist or OT), and how to find those professionals.

    You’ll also get a list of resources like books & podcasts for kids and adults to keep learning and discovering new tools to help you and your family.

  • Watch activities in action! Stephanie will walk you through these hands-on activities with her own kiddo so you can see how they can work for your family, and what to expect when trying them out at home.

Your Host

I’m a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and a mom.

I know what it’s like to have a kid who hates veggies, and would rather wear their dinner on their head than put it in their mouth.

I’ve worked with hundreds of parents who struggle to feed picky eaters. Being a parent is no joke, and when our kids don’t eat what we serve them, it can make you feel like you’re failing.

That’s why this course focuses not just on strategies to help your kids eat more foods, but also on changing your mindset on why kids are picky, and why you’re not failing as a parent for having picky eaters.

I hope all parents can learn that our job is not to raise kids who love broccoli. It’s about raising kids who enjoy eating, are curious about foods, and nourish their bodies well with a variety of foods.


  • This course is meant for parents or caregivers of kids age 2-10. While parents of younger kiddos would still get useful information from the course, the activities would not be as helpful until your kiddo was older

  • The course will be available through a secure login on this website. When you log in, you’ll see your course progress and can pick up where you left off. You can access the course on your desktop, laptop, phone, or tablet.

  • Yes, please feel free to give your partner or other caregivers like grandparents access to watch the lessons in the course. But please do not share with anyone else.

  • You can decide how much time you have to work on the course at any one time. Feel free to watch the whole thing in one sitting, one lesson a week, or a few lessons a month!

    The lessons in the course are bite-sized, and won’t take more than 10 minutes to watch each one. Some people like to take notes or re-watch lessons, so it can vary how long it will take you to make your way through it.

  • Refunds are not available.

*Pre-Order Ends 1/15/25* Parenting Picky Eaters: From Frustration to Fun
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $149.00