Hi, I’m Stephanie, and I’m a pro-dessert dietitian

About Stephanie

Hi there! I’m Stephanie. I’m a dietitian, home cook, arts-and-crafts enthusiast, and a mom. I started Nutrition Hungry in 2018 after working in all sorts of settings, from daycares to outpatient clinics to nursing homes. I’ve worked with people of all ages and all backgrounds, and I love learning about different foods and cultures.

When I became a mom, like all new parents I spent endless hours online (mostly in the middle of the night) navigating through confusing and conflicting nutrition advice.

Nutrition Hungry is my effort to share both my professional knowledge as a Registered Dietitian, and my personal experiences as a mom. I promise to make your life easier and more delicious by helping you feed your family confidently. Thanks for being Nutrition Hungry with me!

Education & Training

  • Education: Bachelors of Science, Health & Nutrition Science - Brooklyn College (CUNY); Bachelors of Arts, Economics - New York University; Dietetic Internship - Queens College (CUNY)

  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist: (86013802); Licensed in New Jersey, New York (008454-1), Pennsylvania (DN005812), Delaware (DH-0000048)

  • Certifications: Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor (CIEC) through training with The Original Intuitive Eating Pros (Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN); Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC)

  • Memberships: Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics (WIND), Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH), EDRD Pro, International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD)

  • Supervision: Receiving clinical supervision for eating disorder clients with Malak Saddy RD, LD/N, CEDS-S

About Nutrition Hungry

Stephanie founded Nutrition Hungry with the goal to help people and families find health and wellbeing without focusing on dieting, restriction, or weight loss.

Our society is obsessed with “diet culture”, the belief that health, beauty and higher social status is achieved by thinness, pursuing weight loss through restrictive dieting, and eating more “good” foods instead of “bad” foods.

This belief system is problematic for so many reasons. It encourages discrimination against people in higher weight bodies, increases the risk of disordered eating and eating disorders, disconnects us from our bodies, and takes away the joy of eating.

We offer nutrition counseling and medical nutrition therapy services that are based in the belief that you can pursue health and wellbeing without having to pursue weight loss, and you are deserving of a positive relationship with food and your body no matter what the scale says.

Learn more about our approach and core beliefs:

Health at Every Size® 

We believe in the natural diversity of body shapes and sizes that exist in the world, and we reject the idea that one body shape or size is “better” than any other.

All bodies are good bodies and deserve dignity and respect.

*Health At Every Size® and HAES® are registered trademarks of the Association for Size Diversity and Health and used with permission


Stephanie is a dietitian, but doesn’t believe in dieting. It does not work for most people, and it can harm our physical, emotional, and mental health.

Diet culture is everywhere. We help clients challenge it’s messages around food and body image, so you can make peace with food and find your worth and value outside of your appearance.

All Foods Fit

You won’t hear us using the words “bad”, “unhealthy”, or “junk” to describe foods. All foods can fit into your eating style. The only “bad” foods are ones you’re allergic to, make you sick, or ones that you just don’t like.

By taking an all foods fit approach, we can help you stop feeling guilty about your food choices, and start choosing foods that you love and help you feel great.

Intuitive Eating

We can teach you how to build a better connection with your body, trust your body’s signals about when, what and how much to eat, and improve your relationship with food and your body.

Intuitive Eating is a science-based approach that has been shown to help repair disordered eating, improve health outcomes, and reduce the harmful effects of diet culture.

Learn more about our nutrition counseling services, courses, and resources